Negen planetoïden naar DMS’ers vernoemd
Internationale Astronomische Unie zet DMS’ers in het zonnetje
Maar liefst negen nieuwe naamgevingen van planetoïden zijn toegekend aan DMS’ers die zich jarenlang verdienstelijk hebben gemaakt in het meteorenonderzoek.
Met deze naamgevingen straalt ook een beetje eer af op het werk dat wij gezamelijk doen en dat jaar in jaar uit zijn erkenning krijgt in de wetenschappelijke wereld.
We staan aan de vooravond van de publicatie van het belangrijke tweede standaardwerk van Peter Jenniskens, een publicatie waaraan vele DMS’ers hun aandeel hebben gehad.
Hieronder volgt de letterlijke weergave van de curriculae van de negen DMS’ers die nu ook hun eigen rots hebben:
(38642) Breukers = 2000 NY17
Discovery: 2000-07-05 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Martin Breukers (b. 1961) is a Dutch amateur astronomer and meteor observer who has
coordinated and analyzed results from the CAMS BeNeLux low-light video camera network for
many years.
(38643) Scholten = 2000 NZ19
Discovery: 2000-07-05 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Alex Scholten (b. 1962) is a Dutch amateur astronomer, former chair of the Working Group on
Comets of the Royal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy, and is a leading
member of the Dutch Meteor Society. He has published extensively on the visual observation of
meteors and comets.
(38667) de Lignie = 2000 OT56
Discovery: 2000-07-29 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Marc de Lignie (b. 1964) is a Dutch physicist and an amateur astronomer who pioneered
techniques and developed tools for the observation and triangulation of meteors using intensified
and low-light video cameras. He has published results of his observations for many years.
(38823) Nijland = 2000 RN87
Discovery: 2000-09-02 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Jos Nijland (b. 1963) is a Dutch amateur astronomer and leading member of the Dutch Meteor
Society. He has observed meteors visually, operated all-sky and low-light video cameras, and
published his results for many years.
(38827) ter Kuile = 2000 RQ93
Discovery: 2000-09-04 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Casper ter Kuile (b. 1954) is a Dutch amateur astronomer and a leading member of the Dutch
Meteor Society. He organized and participated in photographic meteor observing campaigns, took
part in the data analysis and published results on meteor showers and potential meteorite falls for
many years.
(38828) van ’t Leven = 2000 RQ94
Discovery: 2000-09-04 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Jaap van ’t Leven (b. 1966) is a Dutch amateur meteor astronomer who photographs meteors and
comets. He is a leading member of the Dutch Meteor Society and chairman of the Working Group
on Comets of the Royal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy.
(38829) Vandeputte = 2000 RQ96
Discovery: 2000-09-04 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Michel Vandeputte (b. 1977) is a Belgian amateur astronomer who is among the most active visual
observers of meteors in Belgium. He has published extensively on the results from those
observations for many years.
(38830) Biets = 2000 RK99
Discovery: 2000-09-05 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Jean Marie Biets (b. 1959) is a Belgian amateur astronomer. He is one of the most active
photographic observers of meteors in Belgium and has published on the results from those
observations for many years.
(38967) Roberthaas = 2000 TF36
Discovery: 2000-10-06 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Robert Haas (b. 1964) is a Dutch amateur astronomer and leading member of the Dutch Meteor
Society. He has photographed and video-imaged meteors for many years.
WGSBN Bulletin, vol. 3 nr. 14 (16 oktober 2023)
Published on behalf of the International Astronomical Union (98-bis Blvd
Arago, F-75014 Paris, France) by the WG Small Bodies Nomenclature.
NB: In het originele curriculum staat ten onrechte vermeld, dat Michel vandePutte een Nederlands
amateurastronoom zou zijn. Uiteraard is Michel Belg en wij laten dit rechtzetten in de officiële stukken.
Als DMS mogen we trots zijn op de gestage stroom resultaten, data, berekeningen en publicaties die we nu 44 jaar afleveren aan de professionele wereld.